Data & Publication Linking Workshop
Agenda Track
Workshop Agenda
Welcome and outline of workshop goals
Attendee introductions
Presentations (15 min each)
- John Chodacki (Making Data Count Project) & Trisha Cruse (DataCite)
- Todd Vision - Dryad Data Repository
- Howard Ratner - CHORUS (Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States)
- Brooks Hanson - Coalition for Data Publication in the Earth and Space Sciences
- Matt Mayernik - NCAR Repository Cross-linking Pilot
- Sayeed Choudhury - RMap Project
- Paolo Manghi - Data Literature Interlinking Service
- Herbert Van de Sompel - Resource Linking and Interoperability
Breakout discussions (Harding room & Cleveland #1 room)
Breakout discussion report back
Closing discussion