DCERC Data Curation Workshop 2014
Day 1: Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Introductions, overview, goals of workshop and field experiences at NCAR
(Mary Marlino - NCAR, Carole Palmer - UIUC, Matt Mayernik - NCAR )
Working with Climate Model Data (and more) as a Data Scientist (Gary Strand - NCAR NESL)
Student presentations on research interests
Lunch-Pairing of Master's students with data and science mentors; discussions over lunch
Developing a data infrastructure for the polar science community - Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (ACADIS) project (Karen Andersen - NCAR EOL, Eric Nienhouse – NCAR CISL)
NCAR Library experiences in developing an institutional repository: OpenSky (Jennifer Phillips, NCAR Library)
Dinner at UCAR Center Green Bistro – students, mentors, faculty, and staff to continue developing student projects
Day 2: Wednesday, June 4, 2014
STUDENTS ONLY – All UCAR interns meet with UCAR Pres. Council (FL2 Cafeteria)
Data preservation - Digital file format obsolescence (Heather Ryan, University of Denver, Library and Information Science)
Understanding climate and weather data formats - NetCDF (Ethan Davis, UCAR Unidata)
Comprehensive Cross-organizational Data Management (Steve Worley, NCAR CISL)
Lunch-Pairing of Master's students with data and science mentors; discussions over lunch
PI panel – Library and information science perspectives on the workshop (Suzie Allard – UTK, Carole Palmer – UIUC, Mary Marlino – NCAR Library)
Workshop evaluation/feedback