UCAR/NCAR Research Data Management Town Hall
Agenda Track
Town Hall Schedule
Introduction - Matt Mayernik (NCAR Library)
Data Diversity Panel - Managing highly heterogeneous and complex data sets. What data management issues are slowing down scientific progress, and what opportunities exist to make improvements?
- Mike Daniels (EOL) - Field data - Real time data feeds and complex data streams
- David Gochis (RAL) - Data heterogeneity - Working with university partners
- Bob Dattore (CISL) - Data Diversity in the Research Data Archive
- Don Middleton (CISL) - Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (ACADIS)
- Discussion - Moderated by Mohan Ramamurthy (Unidata)
Big Data - Managing large-scale data sets and associated data management infrastructures. What data management issues are slowing down scientific progress, and what opportunities exist to make improvements?
- Gary Strand (NESL CGD) - Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Seth McGinnis (IMAGe) - North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP)
- Dave Schneider (NESL CAS) - Climate Data Guide
- Steve Worley (CISL) - Research Data Archive - Big Data
- Discussion - Moderated by Matt Mayernik (NCAR Library)