DCERC Data Curation Workshop 2012
Day 1: Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Introductions, overview, goals of workshop and field experiences at NCAR
(Karon Kelly - NCAR, Carole Palmer - UIUC, Matt Mayernik - NCAR )
Overview of data acquisition and curation data practices; role of a research data archive/centers in data curation
(Steve Worley - NCAR, Bob Cook - ORNL, Lawrence Buja - NCAR)
Student presentations on research interests
LUNCH - Pairing of Master's students with data and science mentors; discussions over lunch
Panel on science issues in data use and reuse
(NCAR science mentors - Kate Young, Samuel Levis, Dennis Shea, Paty Romero Lankao)
Panel discussion on data practices and issues and how they compare across sites
(Nicole Kaplan - LTER, Karen Baker - UIUC, Joan Burkepile - NCAR)
DINNER (Mary Marlino's home) - Students, mentors, faculty, and staff to continue developing student projects.
Day 2: Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Instituting data services; Considerations and evaluation criteria
(Ruth Duerr - NSIDC)
DataONE and ORNL metrics of data use and citation
(Bob Cook - ORNL: DataONE, ORNL metrics)
Metadata issues and initiatives in USGS
(Viv Hutchison - USGS)
(Toni Rosati - NCAR)
CESM/IPCC data and metadata protocols/requirements
(Gary Strand - NCAR)
Student/mentor meetings to flesh out summer project plans.
Day 3: Thursday, June 7, 2012
Data citation-developing and implementing an institution-wide approach, experiences with NCAR pilot in creating metadata
(Matt Mayernik - NCAR )
NCAR Library experiences in developing an institutional repository: OpenSky
(Jennifer Phillips - NCAR)
Student/mentor presentations on summer project plans
Faculty panel - Academic information science perspectives on the workshop
(Suzie Allard and Carol Tenopir - UTK, Carole Palmer - UIUC)
Field trip to Research Aviation Facility for students and faculty.